Thursday, 8 May 2014

Written Evaluation of Beautiful Thing

Written Evaluation of Beautiful Thing
You will write an evaluation of Beautiful Thing, considering the strengths and weaknesses of the performance.  You will also be expected to analyse how the process contributed to the quality of the final piece.  You will do this by researching the director, Theatre Company, actors and their process’s.
Deadline: 5th June 2014

This is the live link to the play.

Play website

Interview with actor Jake Davies about his process and history.

Follow this guide while you watch to help your written evaluation.

750 words

Do not to be a passive observer but rather an active participant.

Can add diagrams

Take into consideration,
·       Key performance factors and contributing relevant imaginative and perceptive ideas.
·       How does the performance portray intentions to an audience?

What did you see?
(Covers the visual aspects of the performance)
These could include:

·       Set/staging
Naturalistic/Non Naturalistic? Stylised? Colourful? Atmospheric? Simple? Complex?
What affect did it have? Did it add to atmosphere? How? Give examples.

·       Costume
Period? Colour? Detail? Did it add to the effect of the set? Contribute to character?

·       Specific effects

Was the lighting natural or dramatic? Bright, dim, spotlight, darkness, use of colour? At what points did lighting add to the impact of the play? Give examples.

Smoke, wind, projection?  How were they used? How well?

·       Specific work by actors(s) at specific moments
Any double casting? How was this done? Females playing males and vice versa.

What did you hear?
Covers the aural aspects of the performance.
These could include:
·       Sound effects
How was it used? Did it heighten atmosphere? Give examples.

·       Music
Was there music? Other sounds? How was it used? Did it heighten atmosphere? Give examples.

·       Specific vocal work by actor(s) at specific moments
Naturalistic or stylised? Speaking in unison? Formal or informal? Slang? Was it effective? Comment on a section of dialogue that stood out for you.

What did you think about it?
Invites critical evaluation of the performance from a position of knowledge as a drama student.

These could include:
·       Overall impact and how it was achieved
What were the main moments of impact? What moments were most memorable and why?

·       The work of the director in engaging the audience
Slow or fast paced? Did it vary? Did it slow down and then speed up? Why do you think this was?

·       The work of the designer(s) in creating sound and vision

·       The work of actors in bringing characters to life
Who were the characters? Who was most central/important/significant? Were the characters believable? Comment on accent, voice, body language, gesture.


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