Thursday, 5 June 2014

Children’s Theatre Notes

Children’s Theatre Notes

The content can cover social issues, local community history, seasonal entertainment, contemporary or classical literature, the teaching of skills or information, school set texts or even support the curriculum.

We will focus on the selection, adaptation and shaping of material to make it suitable for an audience of children. Drama, dance, singing and music skills will be developed and applied in the creating of performances, specifically aimed at a young audience.
Learners will explore likely and suitable material, whether published text or based on a stimulus, then select and shape it according to the target age group, its suitability, the audience needs and the purpose of the performance.
Performances could be educational or just for entertainment and fun. 
There will be opportunity for interaction with the audience through practical workshops, and to evaluate the performance. 

Lesson questions.
More questions will be added by your teacher when required.

Week 1           Thursday 5th June
What is Children’s Theatre?
What skills does an excellent children’s theatre performer need to possess?
How would you adapt an issue for delivery to a specific audience?

Week 2           Thursday 12th June
What tasks did you do in the lesson today towards creating TTWCTT? (e.g. creating character, learning song)?  Describe and evaluate the exercises.
How do you think it contributes/will contribute towards making TTWCTT? 

Week 3           Thursday 19th June    Interim sharing of work
Are the ideas effective?  Are they theatrical and, if not, can they be made theatrical?  Will they appeal to ‘little people’?  Why/why not?

Week 4           Thursday 26th June
Do you think the material you have created today will be suitable for ‘little people’?  Why is it/is it not suitable?

Week 5           Thursday 3rd July       Dress rehearsal
Was the dress rehearsal performed confidently and effectively? Did it communicate the intentions in a controlled and engaging manner?

Week 6           Thursday 10th July     Performance day

Week 7           Thursday 17th July     Evaluation Lesson

Evaluation Essay Question
Discuss your exploration and development of TTWCTT taking into consideration key factors and relevant ideas and input you to the process.
Evaluate the skills and techniques in used in rehearsal and discuss how you responded to direction and feedback to develop work.

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