Thursday, 5 June 2014

Facts About Tigers

Tigers are some of the biggest cats we have walking the face of the earth, but unfortunately, they have been threatened to endangerment these passed many years. In addition, although some may view as vicious creatures, they are really very friendly animals when not alarmed. Besides having some very bright stripes about them that define them as tigers, they have a few other factoids about them that some people never knew, or at least the average person never knew. So here are a few little details about this beautiful cat that makes it is a unique creature.

Basic facts
·       Scientific name: Panthera tigris. Tigers are carnivores.
·       Lifespan: 10 – 15 years in the wild and 20 – 26 years in captivity.
·       Height at shoulder: 70 – 122 cm (28 in – 48 in)
·       Speed: 49 – 65 kmh (31 – 41 mph) in a short burst
·       Newborn: 0.7 – 1.4 kg (1.5 – 5 pounds)
·       Adult female: 65 – 167 kg (143 – 368 pounds)
·       Adult male: 90 – 306 kg (198 – 674 pounds)
·       Adult male: 250 – 390 cm (8.2 – 12.8 ft)
·       Adult female: 200 – 275 cm (6.6 – 9 ft)
·       South and Southeast Asia, China and far east Russia

How far away can you hear them roar?
You can hear the roar of a tiger from not a few feet away but a mile away. Now that is one loud roar!
How much meat do they eat?
They eat over one hundred pounds of meat each and every night because they go days and days at times without food, so they can have time to lounge around. It is only when they get up again to go for a hunt that a new meal is around the corner.
What do they eat?
Despite what you may have heard, they don’t focus on the big kinds of meat like say, a man. They actually go for smaller animals often like turtles, porcupines, monkeys and even frogs. They usually resort to those animals when there are no deer around to chomp on.
Description: iger habitat map
Tiger distribution. Map by Sean Finnegan, National Geographic.

What is different about their eyes?
They are known as being one of only a handful of animals in the world to have very bright eyes, even at night, you can notice these majestic eyes shining through the moonlight.
Are they the biggest cat in the world?
You had better believe it. Not even a lion outmatches these animals, of course, each subspecies of tiger is different then the other but most of them retain that very large physique you don’t find any other big cats.
Are the cubs really born blind?
Yes, they are and they gain their eyesight after a few months of being cared for by their mother.

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